OnCore Nutrition - Two Peas in a Podcast

Episode 22 - Going plant based forever: how to make dietary changes stick!

Episode Summary

This week we're making The Game Changers a reality. We give you the tools to go plant based forever or make ANY dietary changes stick!

Episode Notes



Nutrients to be aware of 

If you’re planning on going fully plant-based, vegan, then there are some important nutritional considerations

Mushrooms, tempeh, miso and sea vegetables are often claimed to be a source of B12. However, this is not accurate. They contain a compound with a similar structure to B12, but it doesn’t work like B12 in the body.

Bon Soy (25mg calcium per 100mL) vs VitaSoy CalciPlus (160mg per 100ml = 50% RDI) 

Impressed Plant Milk (almond, cashew, pea, fava bean) (117mg per 100ml) or oat milk

Listen to our milk ep and find a fortified alternative

Low oxalate dark green leafy veg - kale over spinach (the oxalates bind to the calcium), almonds, soy, white beans, edamame, broccoli, bok choy, okra  

Plant foods are lower in certain amino acids than animal products and it is important to get a complete AA profile across the day. This is fairly easy to do so long as we include a variety of plant foods daily - eg rice + beans or tofu + peanut satay sauce or soy milk + chia seeds. 

Complete = soybeans, quinoa, chia, hemp, seitan  

Important to know that it’s not inherently healthier to be vegan/vegetarian vs omnivorous. What’s unanimously healthy is a diet rich in plant foods, but it doesn’t have to be a diet devoid of animal foods. You can be a vegan and also not have a healthy or balanced diet

Report: -  World Health Organization Collaborating Centre on Population Salt Reduction, The George Institute for Global Health


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