We found a really unethical study that blew our mind! 16 years on from Supersize me, actual science is still discovering the impact of ultra-processed food.
Tim Spector experiment
Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London, enlisted his son Tom, a genetics student at University, to undergo an experiment where he lived on McDonalds food for ten days.
Supersize me
Ultraprocessed Food
Minimally processed | Lightly processed | Heavily processed | Ultra-processed |
pre-cut and peeled pumpkin, potatoes and other veges, bagged salad leaves, bagged spinach, sliced vegetables, and unsalted, roasted nuts
Corn Apple | Canned, dried or frozen such as dried fruit, canned legumes/fish, cheese, pasta, frozen veg, pasteurized milk / yoghurt. Recognisable ingredients Make foods available out of season. Canned corn Tinned apples | Food not in its original form or not naturally occurring, eg cereals, muesli bars, deli meats, oils, sugar and flours. Tortilla chips Apple juice | Considered ‘junk food’ eg chips biscuits, chocolates, sweets, nuggets, energy bars, and carbonated and sugared sweet drinks. Doritos Apple pie |
Other things that might be damaging your gut health
Artificial and naturally intense sweeteners
Saccharin, sucralose, stevia extracts shift the populations of gut microbiota.
Several polyols (fermentable carbohydrates), including isomalt and maltitol, may increase bifidobacteria numbers in healthy subjects, as these polyols may have prebiotic actions.
Large scale human studies are needed
We also know that in animal studies, when exposed to the artificial sweeteners, this saw a reduction in beneficial bacteria in the gut
They can also give us a preference for a sweeter palate, meaning we crave or feel like sweeter foods..
Exercise (lack of)
What to focus on
Prebiotic Fibre