OnCore Nutrition - Two Peas in a Podcast

Episode 7 - Alkaline diet, alcohol, eggs, bone broth

Episode Summary

This week we’ll get basic with the alkaline diet, do a secret taste test to help you pick you drink. We’ll put eggs back on your plate and answer your question about all those fancy bone broths.

Episode Notes

Alkaline diet



Eggs and cholesterol

Let's take it back, what is cholesterol?

Where’s the research at?

Eggs specifically?

What is important to note is a small number of people are sensitive to eating dietary cholesterol that is naturally found in food. Therefore when they eat cholesterol rich foods, their LDL (not so good) cholesterol levels may increase.

Recommendation: 7 eggs per week.

Which foods will increase blood cholesterol?
The research suggests that processed foods which are high in saturated or trans fats will increase our blood cholesterol levels.

I was reading a large study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which followed over 300,000 people for 4–10 years. The subjects modified the type of fats consumed. Those who reduced their saturated fat intake by ~5% and selected polyunsaturated fats had lower rates of coronary illness or coronary related deaths.

Moral of the story: with a baseline healthy diet eggs are an excellent source of healthy fats and protein!


Pick your drink

G+T = up to 3 slices bread (short glass ~715kJ, 250ml tonic = 840kJ) = 14% daily energy needs.(7 = 100%)

Gin and soda = 1 slice bread (415kJ)

Cider = up to 4 slice bread

Cocktail - up to 5 slice bread

Dry wine, champagne, spirit = 1 slice bread

Beer = 2.5 slice bread

Better options

You know the drill


Bone Broths

Bone broth? Do we need it?

What is bone broth?

Where’s the evidence at?

Claims with some support:

Small studies which have found benefits on consuming chicken broth:

Both small studies but some evidence nonetheless

Claims with no support:

Of note

The bottomline: If you enjoy it, drink it or use it as a base for your soups, there is absolutely no harm. However it is not the cure-all it’s claimed to be! Save you $$ from the health food stores.
