OnCore Nutrition - Two Peas in a Podcast
Episode 9 - Intermittent Fasting 101
Episode Summary
This week we’re giving you intermittent fasting 101. We’ll discuss the different types, what happens in our bodies, how to do it, if you should even go there.
Episode Notes
Types of Intermittent Fasting
- ADF - 25% energy reqs one day, nil restrictions on the next
- Complete alternate-day fasting (or total intermittent energy restriction) - no energy consumed on fast days
- modified alternate-day fasting (or partial intermittent energy restriction) - up to 25% of daily energy needs on fasting days instead of complete fasting.
- Most studies are in this method - mice and human
- In humans, Monks semi-fasted every other day with 1L milk + 500g fruit on fast day for 3 years
- > Less time in monastery infirmary & lived longer (but not sig).
- Periodic fasting
- 5:2 (Michael Mosely) - not a whole lot of evidence yet, but more emerging
- The 2 Day Diet (Michelle Harvie) - 2 days 500-600Cal then eat & drink normal for rest of week
- 24hr fast
- Valter Longo– 5 day consecutive fast (800Cal/day) then normal for rest of month > evidence for protection against cancer.
- more extreme versions with several days or weeks of fasting.
- During the fasting days, it may be allowed approximately 500 to 600 calories or about 25% of regular daily caloric intake instead of complete fasting.
- Time-restricted feeding / TRE - eating only during a certain number of hours each day. Eg 16:8. This schedule is thought to leverage the circadian rhythm.
- Timing - earlier may be better. BF not most important meal of day but BF and lunch better for circadian rhythm and glucose tolerance the next day than lunch + dinner.
Physiological benefits
Coffee https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28177691
Practicalities / sustainability / contraindications
Guides: http://oncorenutrition.com/intermittent-fasting/