OnCore Nutrition - Two Peas in a Podcast

Episode 34: Why diets don’t work...and how to use weight loss science to your advantage

Episode Summary

This week we’re breaking down why diets don’t work. But don’t despair, we’ll also tell you what actually does!

Episode Notes

When it comes to dieting everyone is always looking for a quick fix.

Effectiveness of diets long term 

Interesting study https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/369/bmj.m696.full.pdf

Other large scale reviews confirm that diets simply don’t work 

Grade A evidence - NHMRC Clinical Practice Guidelines For The Management Of Overweight And Obesity In Adults, Adolescents And Children In Australia

Grade A evidence

Also Scientific research that ideal BMI for longevity is 25-30kg/m2



Why don’t diets work? 

A combination of physiology and psychology

For the physiology behind why it doesn't work Listen to Episode 18 

Interesting paper here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23911805?dopt=Abstract

Dieting cycle

Biology: (listen back to ep18)

Psychological impact of dieting/weight stigma 


What you can actually do